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Intellectual Property Protection

Service Items


Copyright,which is essentially the protection of creative works, generally has significant but often not recognised impact on businesses.

Areas as diverse as software protection, film licensing and assignment, creation of advertisements and dissemination of information on the internet are covered by the law of copyright. The exploitation of copyright material through licensing or assignment can creat a significant revenue stream for businesses.

We regularly provide advice to clients on issue concerning software licensing agreements, maintenance ageements, re-seller afreements and escrow agreements. Our team has substantial experience in adviding movie producers and advertising companies on copyright issues in film,television,radio or on the internet.


The existence of a patent monopoly may allow a company to create and maintain a competitive edge as well as a substantial technological lead. Whether advising in relation to obtaining patent grant, licensing of patents or conducting litigation arising out of a patent, our experience enables us to attend to our clients' interests successfully in China.

IPR Infringing Investigation

Investigating Assigned Target

We are able to conduct in-depth investigations into targets suspected of infringing trademarks, copyrights and patents. Specifically, we identify the history, the location, the manner and the scope of the infringing activities. Our investigations enable us to obtain the evidence necessary to impose legal liability on infringers.

Tracing the Source of the Counterfeits

As counterfeits make their appearance on the market frequently, we are able to conduct a full-day surveillance and trace the retaillers or wholesalers in order to dig out the direct supplier or the manufacturer. We are also able to directly locate manufacturers via the nationwide investigative network.

Markets Research

To an assigned market in which counterfeits or other infringing products are rampant seriously, we can conduct a on-site investigations, purchase the samples or trace investigations towards suspicious targets.

Investigating the Use of an Identified Trademark

We are able to satisfy our client's need for information regarding the actual use of a specific trademark on the market; this includes whether the trademark is actually in current use, whether it enjoys a good repute, whether products bearing the trademark enjoy good sales, and a host of other relevant information.

 Anti-Counterfeiting Action

We act as an agent to file complaints with enforcement authorities (Administration of Industry and Commerce - AIC, Technology Supervision Bureau - TSB, Public Security Bureau - PSB) in cases of infringements of trademarks, patents, copyrights, and those of more general instances of unfair competition on behalf of clients.

We organize large-scale combined actions or general enforcement actions including the market sweep actions against the retail outlets, the wholesale outlets and the factories for distributing/producing the counterfeits and infringing products in China markets.

We coordinate with enforcement authorities to investigate infringes for imposition of criminal liability, obtaining detailed, conclusive evidences as advance preparation for criminal proceedings.

We also follow up post-raid matters including to obtain the administrative Punishment Decision Notice or criminal Judgement Letter from the related authorities and to convince the authorities to destroy the seized counterfeits and attend to the destruction of the seized counterfeits on behalf of clients

 Business Field

We are providing IP-related services with many well-known multi-national companies, especially assisting them conduct infringing investigation and cracking down infringers /counterfeiters in China. The industries in which these clients were engaged as following:

 Cosmetics Products
 Luxury brand Watches
 Garments and footwears
 Daily Necessaries/Commodities
 Chemical and agricultural products
 Electronics and Electrical Appliance Products



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